
$39.3 Billion Infrastructure and Equipment Upgrade For JCF
Progress Is Being Made to Bridge The Digital Divide
Progress is being made in bridging Jamaica’s digital divide. The Ministry of Education and Youth has
Lives Of Jamaicans Will Improve This Year
Effective April 1, the Government will commence rolling out a slate of new measures aimed at
The National Budget Must be Passed by March 31 Each Year
By law, Jamaica’s Parliament, comprising the House of Representatives and the Senate, must pass the National
Jamaica has a Creditable Education System
A major review of Jamaica’s education system has concluded that, notwithstanding some challenges, notable successes have
Did Jamaica Achieve Pioneering Economic Success in the Past Year?
Jamaica’s economy achieved several firsts in the 2023/24 fiscal year, as outlined in the
It is illegal to increase rent beyond 7.5 per cent without permission
Landlords are allowed to increase rent by 7.5 per cent annually with the permission
Non-profits and charities enjoy some tax exemptions
Non-profits are legal entities created to provide a particular service for the benefit of
An employee is protected in making a protected disclosure
The term disclosure is defined as information given by an employee regarding the improper
NEPA is powerless in sanctioning for fish kills
In recent times, there have been several discharges of pollutants into water bodies such
Are members of the diaspora excluded from voting?
The law is silent at this time on whether those Jamaicans living in the